After Sales Services



We are an ISO 9001:2008 certified organization that is believes in manufacturing the products adhered to international quality standards. Our organization own a sophisticated quality control laboratory to inspect the quality of our entire range. The quality personnel inspects diligently each and every stage of production starting from procurement of raw material to the final delivery of the Bandages and Collars.   Following are some parameters on which our products are tested:

  • Durability test
  • Strength test
  • Compression power
  • Heat retention of pure cotton

Our quality experts leave no prospects for any flaws in our range. They perform effectively to manufacture flawless range of Bandages and Collars.


Our organization has attained dignified position in the industry due to our client centric approach. We believe in providing maximum satisfaction to our client by manufacturing best quality range of Bandages and Collars. Further, we provide customization of the products as per the specification provided by the clients. Our ethical business policies and competitive prices have made us popular among clients. We have wide business network that enables us maintain such a praising position across the globe. Some of the countries we deal with are United Kingdom, United States, Gulf, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and South Africa.